Friday, April 13, 2012

Fantastically Fun Fridays: April 13, 2012

Oooh, it's Friday the 13th!  Here's hoping your day is free of broken mirrors, ladders you have to walk under, or any other unlucky things you'd prefer to avoid.

We'll start things off this afternoon with wonderful things from two friends of Fantasy Matters--Charles Tan and Pat Rothfuss.   Charles Tan writes for SF Signal and also has his own blog, for which he wrote this amazing piece on The Hunger Games.

Also, a few weeks ago, Pat Rothfuss blogged about how Bast, one of the main characters from his Kingkiller trilogy, was going up against Steven Erikson's Anomander Rake in the March Madness-style cage match of scifi/fantasy characters over at Suvudu.  Bast got beaten, and the tournament as a whole is over (here's the winner!), but Pat wrote a beautiful description of a cage match from a previous year's tournament--that between his protagonist, Kvothe, and Aslan.  It was one of the most amazing, funny, heart-warming things I've ever read, and literally (yes, literally) brought tears to my eyes.  You should all check it out.

Here are some of the other awesome things we found for you this week:
  • Awesome post about how much it would cost to build the Death Star from a group of econ students at Lehigh University.  Theirs seems like a very fun blog, answering important economic questions such as "How much do I have to save to go to Hogwarts?" and "How many zombies would it take to defeat the Nazis?"(Centives)
  • Would you like to be in The Hobbit movie?  If you would, and you are in New Zealand (or are willing to relocate), they are looking for extras to play elves! (TradeMe)
  • Ok, I think this is the coolest presidential picture ever. (Twitter)
  • Flickr user Si-MOCs has depicted Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics in Legos. (Flickr)
  • Illustrations from Jeffrey Brown's book Darth Vader and Son, which imagine what Darth Vader would be like if he were a good father. (Ufunk)
  • Yet another reason to move to Canda--they have glow-in-the-dark money.  With dinosaurs on it. (GeekOSystem)
  • And finally, what little kids doesn't need his own Millennium Falcon? (Flickr)
Have a great weekend, everyone!