Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Our Fantastic Week Ahead: June 1

We celebrate our official launch today with a guest post from Patrick Rothfuss, best-selling author of The Name of the Wind and The Wise Man's Fear, in which he shares his memories of the 2007 conference that serves as the inspiration for this website.  Here at Fantasy Matters, we're huge fans of Pat and his work, and we're very honored that he's here to help us kick things off in style!

Coming up on The Sword of ShannaraThursday, we have a book review from Matt Rassmusson about Warriors, a collection of short stories edited by George R. R. Martin and Gardner Dozois, as well as the beginning of a conversation between me and my brother, Philip Ilten, about one of most popular books in the fantasy genre--Terry Brooks' The Sword of Shannara.  Although both of us are huge scifi/fantasy fans, neither of us has ever read this book, and so we're reading it together and writing letters back and forth to each other with our thoughts about this novel that did so much to shape the development of the fantasy genre.  We invite you to find a copy of your own and read along with us--we'll be posting our thoughts in five chapter segments every two weeks or so.

We're calling Friday "China MiƩville Day," and we will be featuring Kat Howard's reflections on MiƩville's conversation with Lev Grossman about his latest novel, Embassytown, as well as a strategy for teaching his novel The City & The City developed by two of my students in a class on modern fantasy literature that I taught this past semester.

It's going to be a great week, and we hope that you come back and see what we're up to!