Friday, July 8, 2011

Fantastically Fun Fridays: July 8, 2011

Happy Friday everyone!

In case you're not already familiar with it, The Interstitial Arts Foundation is an organization that supports art that falls and flourishes in-between the cracks of genre.  Many of the authors involved with this foundation write works that can be called fantasy, or that bump up against fantasy.  It's a wonderful organization, and it sponsors a number of exciting projects that support their mission of promoting interstitial art.

One of these projects is Interfictions 0, an online anthology of essays on interstitial texts.  Each month they publish a new essay--this month's essay on King Arthur is written by our own Kat Howard, and you should definitely check it out!

Here are some of the other fun things we found lying around the internet this week:

  • I couldn't resist this video of comedian Sean Kleier replaying my favorite moment from the movie Independence Day in various places around NYC. (YouTube)
  • Live-action role-playing of the Redwall books? (Imgur)
  • A beautiful recreation of the Game of Thrones theme song. (YouTube)
  • For those of you with kids: all you want is for them to be healthy, happy, and, well, take a look... (Buttersafe)
  • A to-scale chart comparing the sizes of some classic sci-fi spaceships. (
  • Hipster LOTR?  My favorite scene involves Legolas and Gimli on a scooter. (
  • Too much awesomeness in the same room?  Orson Welles and H.G. Wells in the same radio interview. (YouTube)
  • Awesome Star Wars paintings by James Hance.  Including Johnny Cash as Darth Vader. (Bloodyloud!)
  • Gamers, do you suffer from an unfortunate case of "swamp ass"?  Captain Mal is here to save the day! (YouTube/Break)
Have a great weekend, everyone!